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My Profile

Phyo Thiha Win

Mobile Developer

I am proficient in both Android Development and Flutter Mobile Development. As a highly motivated and skilled developer, my goal is to leverage my passion for mobile apps development and my proficiency in Java/Kotlin/Dart to contribute my expertise in creating innovative and user-friendly mobile apps.

I am eager to work in a dynamic and collaborative environment where I can enhance my technical skills and solutions. With a strong focus on code quality, performance, and usability, I aim to be an integral part of a forward-thinking team dedicated to building high-quality mobile applications.

Tech Stack

Currently working on these tech stacks.

Programming Language

Proficient in Kotlin, Dart and Java programming languages. Passinate to learn new and new..


Android Development

Snice my univeristy life, I've developed many android apps. Now I'd prefer to specialize in test-driven applications.


Flutter Development

Cross-platform is one of my favorite development. It makes me happy to develop in multip-platform with single code base.

App Security & Integrity

Runtime application self protection is more important in enterprise application. It's user need secure applications.

Code Architecture

Now, I'm using Clean Architecture, MVVM and MVP for Android Development. For Flutter, I'm using Bloc Pattern and GetX.

New Trend

Jetpack compose will be popular in Android development in the future. And also Kotlin Multi-Platform.

About Me

Bio, Education, Skills, Career and Interests.


The list of projects I developed are:

Ezay Myanmar
U Bo Aye Cosmetics
Star Zone Travels
& Tours
All in One Sports
Myanmar first sport app
Food Di
Foods that should not eat together.

Employer Companies

Contact Us

You can contact me via Email, Phone and Messager.